Friday, August 31, 2007

Team Duvel who are off to buy mountain bikes tommorrow...

The end of the week - phew!!!

So ... it was a whirlwind of a week, but we survived. Mike has not resigned yet, so that is a good sign. It's been an interesting one though and he is off to head office next week in London to be "indoctrinated". Meanwhile, back at the bat cave ... F&F have had a lovely time we think. Aunty Nicky has spent quite a lot of time with them, and we suspect probably spoiling them a little, if we know her well. And as mentioned earlier we do have other obsessions other than our doglets ... so tommorrow is the day we are off to Germany to buy some mountain bikes and then we can bike in the wintertime in the snow! We hope we do get some decent snow this winter!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hump Day

Today was the middle of our week... so it is hump day . Mike's first pay comes on Friday. It's like being 18 again ... woohoo! This weekend we are off to buy mountain bikes so we can bike in the weekends in the winter. Well, what else is one to do with DINK!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Te he he

And we even managed to open a Duvel or two today ...

Good Report - A++

But there was a good report card today - THANKS TO AUNTY NICKY!

First Day Back at Work

Well we did plan to update this blog daily, but quite frankly yesterday was stressful. It was Mike’s first day at work in his new job and Sue’s first day back after two weeks holiday … and we were exhausted!!!! So were the doglets, we came home to Forrest covered in dirt from head to toe– digging! Nicky the neighbour, who has kindly offered to keep an eye on them reported that there was a few dramas with the landlord cutting the hedge and both F&F had not given their permission – had they? I leave the rest to your imagination.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

De Beest van Belgie

We have come across some strange beasts while we have been here in Belgium, but this one pretty much took the prize for the most colourfull beast! Mike found this little guy while he was mowing the football field size back lawn that we have. I think he was most appreciative that he did not get sucked up in the lawn mower.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Just to proove that we do have obsessions other than our doglets here is a picture that Mike shot of an orchid. For more photography by us just click on the link "our fotos" under my favorite links.

In the Dog House

So today the doglets got a new house - Het Buiten-Lounge. They will now have to become real dogs and live outside during the day.

Photo by Mike

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Greatest Thing

The greatest thing
you'll ever know
is to love
and be loved in return

Mike's New Job

So enough of the spoilt little sausages. Mike just got a job and his work permit was granted today !!! Yipee ... so there is some celebrating to do this weekend!!!! Now Mike has two days left of semi - retirement / freedom and the new car has been ordered - a wee bribe for getting said job!

It was a trip to the hairdresser for all today. Here Frodo and Forrest enjoy their blowdry .... Oh what a couple of spoilt little sausages.
This week Cousin Louise from Denmark came to stay with us and she snapped this photo of Forrest enjoying his shower. Frodo, on the other hand squeels like a stuck pig.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Holiday at Home

Today is Thursday and the end of our 'holiday at home' is nigh. Two weeks just doing whatever we felt like and I have to say it was a good one. The best bit was enjoying the middle Sunday evening knowing that we did not have to go to work the next day. We also got a viewing of the entire Lord of The Rings Trilogy in (in four parts - because the first one is just too long for one sitting!) , and felt a little home sick, I might add. It was wonderfull seeing the New Zealand scenery again, the wide open spaces ... the ancient riuns - not! Frodo and Forrest have been very spoilt with heaps of double-yew ay el kay's and a session at the hairdressers tommorrow will round it off just nicely.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fragile - Sting

We just enjoyed this and thought you might too ...

The Walk In the Park

Here is a shot from our walk yesterday. Taken from Tervuren Park, it is the Africa Museum where they have all sorts of wild and wonderfull stuff from the Belgian Congo.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Now we have found our tounge ... today before creating our blog, we went for a walk in Tervuren Park. Well actually we went for a walk from Eizer to Tervuren through 'het bos', Tervuren Park and back. Quite a wanderling ... and now the doglets are snoozing ... with the odd bark in between.


Today is the first day of the Mad Kiwis in Belgium's blog. We arrived in Belgium almost two years ago having never heard of bloggs, blogging or bloggers, and now we have our own and we do not know what to say...