Saturday, July 19, 2008

We did it!

After much deliberation and watching the market, we finally did it and tookthe plunge. Last night we signed an agreement to purchase this house. Arrrggghhh - very exiting!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Anyone for a walk?

Mr Frodo just infomed me that he has not been blogged for a while - so here goes. Mik caught this one during another doglet photo shoot the other day.

Three more sleeps to go ...

Three more sleeps and Mr Forrest is finally splint free. It is hard to believe it has been 6 weeks already, although sometimes it feels like 6 months. But we have to say that the guys at Anubis Dierenklinik have been really fantastic, even though our wallet is a couple of thousand euros lighter it has surely been worth it. I am also sure our Fozzie would challenge the record for the fastest land animal on three legs right now!