Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday again

Today is Friday, yipee! Another week rolls around and winter is certainly trying to grip on. This morning it was -5 degrees. Now we are housing the beema in the garage I have to park the A3 outside - brrrr. Although I am happy to say I am learning to deal with a frozen car in the morning and we are having really sunny days, which makes it quite pleasent.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Oh dear, its winter again. Just think of all that snow, and places to go, in the snow.

Think of the gloag, the mulled wine, and not needing an excuse to have a wee dram or three.

Think of the warm fires and not needing an excuse to stay in bed on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Think of the hearty meals, particularly the 'sinker' for puddings and all the other food indulgences. If one didn't overeat during the winter then there would not be a need to exercise and trim down for the summer.

If the summer clothes don't fit too well after the winter then what a good excuse for buying new ones.

Think of the relatives 'down-under' enjoying their summer.

Cheers Evan the Dad