Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Today is Wednesday

Actually here, where we live ... vandag het is Woensdag en ... where I work ... aujourdi (sp???) c'est Mercredi (I think???) - geeze we have learnt a little in the last two years.


Today was an unusual Wednesday, well for Sue at least. Mike went to work, as usual, but Sue had a meeting in Brussels from 11 - 15, so worked at home either side. Got more work done than going into office - for sure!

On Monday Sue drove through 3 countries - visited a Chemical Park (conjures up images) in Marl, Germany. So drove to Antwerpen, picked up collegue, drove into the Netherlands and then into Germany and back again. Tommorrow need to visit with business collegues in Rotterdam, and Friday Mike and Sue are off to Barcelona, taking advantage of another meeting in Tarragonna on Monday. We decided to make a weekend in Barcelona. It is a busy month ... Holland, Germany, Spain, Wales and Portugal in the month - end of year - gets busy!!!!


Paula Smithyman said...

Barcelona sounds interesting - I look forward to seeing a few photos.

Greystone said...

I need a lie down just thinking about all that travel.

Christmas presents sent to the Brussel's branch today! Hopefully you will have time to open them.

Enjoy Espana, look forward to reports in due course.

Greystone said...

I need a lie down just thinking about all that travel.

Christmas presents sent to the Brussel's branch today! Hopefully you will have time to open them.

Enjoy Espana, look forward to reports in due course.