Monday, December 31, 2007

Cat Wake Up Call

This one is for Ronaye - Happy New Year Girl! I hope youare still enjoying -25 degrees and snow in Medicine Hat, and I am sure you are missing your cat wake up call.

Cat Wake Up Call

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our next holiday

We just decided, since we were were going to celebrate a momentus event in March next year that we would do it in an unusual way ... we want to see the Northern Lights so we googled it and came up with a Husky Safari ...


On boxing day we went to see Marcel and Family - the breeders (the fockers - te he he) where we got Frodo and Forrest from. They had some puppies 9 weeks ago, from Forrest's mother, and all but one had gone to homes. Gwenie, was the last one left and she was adorable. It reminded me of when we first got our boys. It was difficult to go home with only two...

New Years Eve Eve

Well it is almost a whole week since we last wrote. Sickness hath decended upon the Vennik household of Eizer; doubled with Christmas, this has resulted in st*ff all blogging.

But we are back into it, mainly because Sue got sick first (on Christmas day, I might add!!!) and now she is back on board Mike has fallen to the lurgi! F & F are comforting him on the couch as we speak.

Despite the sickness, we had a nice Christmas day. We thought we were going to be on our own for the first time, but some Venniks from Holland came for the day, Eric, Marija, Niels and Judith came for Christmas dinner and we spent a nice afternoon eating, playing and dog walking - except during the dog walking Sue had a wee snooze on the couch.

Father Christmas didn't come though. We thought he may have gotten a bit confused. Firstly, becuase he does not normally visit Belgium - only for a few poms and American kiddies... plus we were in NZ the year before and in Switzerland the year before that, we think we have been written off the Christmas present list because he could not keep up with us. So we decided we would go to the northpole in March and sort the b*$$er out and get back on the Christmas present list.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Here is a photo of our boys being good!


from us!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Can you tell we are pretty excited by the cold!!!!!
-4.4 @ 2110
-3.6 @ 17.20hrs

Sqeeze me please!

We have a minus 3.5 @ 1711 ...

Today it got above zero

It did get above zero today, it got to 0.1 dregrees. We were impressed!!!! We noticed it, we are now taking bets... and now it is minus 2.8 degrees, do I have taker for minus 3 ... yes minus 3 degrees it is ... yes!!!! do I ave taker for minus 3.2 .... YES!!!!

NOW - 3.2!!! Tis only 5.30 pm - 1730 for those on 24 hour clock!!!

Le Grande Chille

Minus 9 degrees

This morning we woke up at 0800 and it was minus 8.8 degrees.

Here is a few views of what we saw on our walk...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Living in a Winter Wonderland

This was the scene this morning just before I left for work at 0845. I went outside to fire up the engine of the Audi so it could defrost and this was what I saw. I decided you might like to see what minus 7 degrees looks like!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Today, we woke up and it was -5 degrees and we went down into Overijse and watched the Cyclocross, this one known as the Vlaamse Druivenveldrit Overijse. This is where they ride round hilly muddy fields with a little pave in between to make it interesting. They do it on normal road bikes though, not mountain bikes... brave men and women! See

It didn't get over 0.5 degrees today, brrrr!!! Nothing a bit of Duvel and Gluhwein can't fix though!

Merry Christmas

Yesterday, we went up to Jezus Eik and bought the Christmas tree, so now it is finally Christmas.

Weekend in the Ardennes

We're back!!!

Wow it has been a wirldwind of a couple of weeks and there hasn't much time left for bloggy things, but now we are back.

We spent last weekend in the Ardennes. It was cold and wonderfull, no snow though. The forecast was for sh*##y and more Sh*##y, so we left the bikes at home. Krisa made a wild boar stew and we arrived on Friday night about 6pm and promptly polished off the stew and a few bottles of vino, followed by a Ngatawara Stables Red, kindly bought by Ronaye, via Glenn (the NZ boyfriend) last time he stayed. Needless to say the next day was somewhat fuzzy and we just hung out, went for a walk in La Roche and then enjoyed another evening in front of the fire, playing games and reading books.

Then on the Monday Sue had to fly to Portugal for work, back on Wednesday and then into a Christmas Party in Friday, and then dinner with the N&N the mad brits on Saturday ... quite frankly - we're bu$$@&d!!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Living in the dream

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are we dude

Riding on the wave man
If the sun don’t come man
You get a tan from the Belgian rain.

Liv’n in a dream girl,
wait’n at the window,
wearing a face like the Belgian rain

I’m writ’n a sermon,
no one will hear me
but no one comes near he

Why do we care, no one came, no none was saved

We're Back!!!

Just in case you had missed us here is a feast!

Can you tell Mik is working away?

Elton led me to Billy and then Billy led me to These Dudes ... Hey Jude

Billy Joel - Piano Man

Elton was born Reginald Kenneth Dwight

The young Reginald Dwight started playing the piano at the age of 3, and at 4, his mother was astonished to hear him picking out Winifred Atwell’s “The Skater’s Waltz” by ear. Soon he was performing at parties and family gatherings. He began taking piano lessons at the age of 7.

At 11, he won a junior scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music. One of his instructors reports when he entered the Academy, she played a four-page piece by Handel, which he promptly played back like a “gramophone record.”

Got a Text from Jo Today

Got a text from my sister today telling me she was enjoying an Elton John concert at the bowl in NZ
It probably looked like this ...
NOICE ONE!!! I am at work - just a little bit jealous and been a little homesick lately.
At the very least I can now say that in company without tears welling up in my eyes.

Weekend in Barcelona

Well, it has been a while ... because we went to Barcelona last weekend and straight back into work, a bit of travelling too, so no news on our front for a while.

Well, we had a wonderful time in Barcelona and some wonderful weather. Apparently unusual for this time of year. It is supposed to rain for three weeks in Nov/Dec and that is when they get all their water, but alas no water this year!

Here are some fotes for you to check out ... it was an architectural symphony!

Sagrada Familia

Sue & Mik in front of Sagrada Familia

One of Gaudi's most photographed

We got Elfed

click on the limks below ...

This elfin' greeting brought to you by OfficeMax®.