Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Years Eve Eve

Well it is almost a whole week since we last wrote. Sickness hath decended upon the Vennik household of Eizer; doubled with Christmas, this has resulted in st*ff all blogging.

But we are back into it, mainly because Sue got sick first (on Christmas day, I might add!!!) and now she is back on board Mike has fallen to the lurgi! F & F are comforting him on the couch as we speak.

Despite the sickness, we had a nice Christmas day. We thought we were going to be on our own for the first time, but some Venniks from Holland came for the day, Eric, Marija, Niels and Judith came for Christmas dinner and we spent a nice afternoon eating, playing and dog walking - except during the dog walking Sue had a wee snooze on the couch.

Father Christmas didn't come though. We thought he may have gotten a bit confused. Firstly, becuase he does not normally visit Belgium - only for a few poms and American kiddies... plus we were in NZ the year before and in Switzerland the year before that, we think we have been written off the Christmas present list because he could not keep up with us. So we decided we would go to the northpole in March and sort the b*$$er out and get back on the Christmas present list.


Greystone said...

Santa gets forgetful as he gets older. The best thing is to establish a working relationship with one or more of the elves. They respond to gentle persuasion as in the supply of alcopops and chocolates. Vouchers for same are acceptable. Belgian beers could be tried?

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

This might explain why we got forgotten, somebody else has been getting the elves drunk!