Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Goodnight Kiwi

From the days when TV didn't go all night and there was only one channel to choose from.


Greystone said...

Kiwiland was a much simpler place once!

When we were walking barefoot in the snow to get to school there was NO TV! Just like 12 months in Bayly Road in the late 70's!

Now it is so confusing as to what to watch in the wee small hours if sleep is hard to come by. (Note the two cliches?.

Putting the milk bottle out also is a reminder of the days before cardboard. Some young Morch ladies made pocket money once from bottled milk runs early in the frosty Christchurch mornings.

Nostalgia is something that creeps up around the forties and travels at reckless speed as the forties fade into the rear view mirror.

Sunflower Sadie

Di Mackey said...

I blogged this at some point too, just because of the river of nostalgia that flows whenever I see it.

The postie on his bike with the whistle telling us he'd been, Greggs cordial and all that stuff.

Paula Smithyman said...

I hadn't seen the Goodnight Kiwi for maybe 20 years (could it really be that long?) but it felt like yesterday!

Paula Smithyman said...

I hadn't seen the Goodnight Kiwi for maybe 20 years (could it really be that long?) but it felt like yesterday!