Monday, March 24, 2008

We're back!

Gosh, it's been a while. Things have been pretty nuts here for the last couple of weeks and the evenings and weekends have been a blur. As you can see we did manage to blog some photos of Venice but after that the days seemed to have merged into each other. Mainly Saturdays have been lying on the couch absolutely exhausted.

But now I think we are back on track. A long weekend we have and of all things we got flurries of snow! In this picture you can see the buds on the trees that are almost bursting into life, just being held back by the snow.

Lucky there was no snow in Venice the week we were there, but it sure did feel like it. During our planning we looked up the weather on the internet and it was sunny and 18 degrees, we thought, woohoo, we'll take a light jacket and she'll be right. Suffice to say she was not right! A cool blast came in from the north and we could see the snow covered alps in the distance. We didn't realise it was so close to the alps, actually. Anyway despite the weather we had a wonderful time, and the photo Mike managed to snap of me with curly hair was thanks to the rain.

We also managed to get a ride in yesterday. It has been many months since any of us have been remotely interested in riding, but we got out in a chilly 5 degrees yesterday on the Leuven-Dijle Kanal. Following buying a roof rack for the beema, the Duvel and Fritjes half way was the best idea.

Kris strikes another pose!


Harvey family said...

Sounds like you are having fun getting ready for spring!
And we thought it was getting a bit colder here now we are down to about 21-23 degrees! Atleast no snow on the mountain yet, although it has been covered in cold pretty much the whole of easter.
Enjoy the cycling - looks like you have all the gear for it! And the great tracks/rides.

Greystone said...

Talk about exhaustion - the Greystone bloggers are also recovering. Mrs Martin's Borough's Golf Club was 100 years olde on the weekend and the festivities were something to behold. A round on Saturday; 40 Stableford points for Sadie and 34 for Sammo. Sadie got a 'closest to the pin' on the 12th and got a bottle of wine and three golf balls and two commemorative wine glasses specially enscribed for the centenary. Big meal for abot 150 in Mrs Martin's Borough's Town Hall and drinkies followed and home late. Next day another Ambrose team round of golf and this time Sadie belted a ball through a car window. Much hilarity at Sadie's expense at the after match function and got a special prize for the magnificent effort.

Didn't even have to go to Venice to get exhaustapated though!

Still very dry and warm - however Autumn is hovering and about to descend.

Lovely to see the snow - it won't be long now before you can enjoy the Duvels in the summer sun!