Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back in New Zealand

Yes, it has been a while. For various reasons the whole bloggy thing has almost flown out the window in the last month or so. But we are back! Being back might have something to do with the fact that I don't fancy blogging gloomy stuff and now I am sitting in my sisters kitchen in NZ and it is so not gloomy at all. New Zealand is calm, warm and it smells fresh. I arrived in Auckland about 6am in the morning, and during the walk to the domestic terminal I could smell the salt on the air. Ahhhh, it was like being in paradise. Well actually it is ... now I know why the European's think NZ is a tropical island paradise - because it totally is!


Kristina Martin said...

Lovely honeys.... funny - cause the thing i remember smelling when i last landed in auckland was cow poo!! both lovely smells of home.... we had anzac cookies last weekend - bought in Ieper... the largest commonwealth war cemetery in the world... in Flanders fields... awesome experience. hugs to all and commemorations for anzac day xxx k&g

Greystone said...

Salty air, cow poo, mown grass, fermenting apples, crushed penny royal and onion weed all play their part.

Yes Kiwiland is a paradise (in relative terms). What strikes me always in Oz is the hot summer smell of gum trees. Smells like Massey University in the summer. That is when one is upwind of the student hostels!

Welcome home Scooby Doo even if it is such a fleeting visit. The fermenting apple pong of Greytown awaits you for next week.

Thanks for the short term loan Mike (that is the loan of Sue).

Paula Smithyman said...

Have a wonderful holiday in Godzone Sue.