Sunday, April 6, 2008

An Obituary on a Birthday

Miss Cleo, born November 1993 and died April 4 2008. She had a long and happy life and passed peacefully in the end. We were fortuate enough to adopt her and her brother Picasso in 1993 and Evan & Sally of Greystone adopted them both in 2005. She was a quirky little cat and we all loved her.
On the same day, Forrest was the star of the show. It was two years ago that Mr Fozzie was born and of course we made a little fuss for both of them.


Anonymous said...

Cleo was a soft little cat and when you sat down she would come close for attention. She had much more 'street-smarts' than her brother and just loved finding different places to sleep. Her favourite place was on car bonnets that were still warm and when they cooled she would sit on top, preferably the soft top of Herbie the Beamer. Now we won't have to cover Herbie at all times since its a bit too high for Picasso.

We will miss being watched by Cleo from all sorts of semi-hiding places.

When this retired person sat down for a well-earned rest in the sun and was thinking of many other things, Cleo would very quietly, unannounced, move in without being seen or sensed and bunt me. "Here I am, how about some TLC?"

You will be greatly missed Cleo. It was a pleasure (naturally mine!).

Picasso's behaviour has changed subtlety, such as finding a new sleeping place after almost 3 years with us. I had to search for him since he didn't come to the sound of the food being shaken. His appetite however was and is still in excellent condition.

Evan the Dad

Harvey family said...

They were gorgeous cats, and I still remember me telling them both one day in NP that they were "gorgeous pussy cats" and getting told off for giving them a big head.
Well, Cleo my love, you were gentle and kind, and you gave good cuddles! Will miss the cuddles and the little pressies that you used to bring to the door.
Tommy will miss sharing your water tray too!
Note to self, give Picasso big cuddles and tell him how gorgeous he is next time we see him.
Love from us

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