Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crickey it is June already

Back again, can you believe it is June already? The official summer time is almost here and the weather has been quite nice of late. Everyone is freaking out at work becuase Q2 is nearing an end and then in the summer months of July & August it is damn near possible to get anything done as people literally take at least one of the months off. Isn't it amazing what people get so uptight about. We have forgotten that we are really just there to earn money so that we can live and afford to do the things we love to do, but the ego seems to cloud that vision sometimes, well a lot of the time really ...

Finally things seem to be looking up in our household. You may have noticed that there has not been much blogging of the last few months and there is a good reason for that, or should I say a dreary reason. The reason is you will not find doom and gloom on this blogg, just as you will not hear us complaining about life's mishapppy meanderings in person. The point is things are looking up, even though Mr Forrest has had said accident he is on the way to recovery and the sedatives work wonders to keep him in a calm, sleepy, and healing mode - they work wonders on triming the edge of his brother too. While I write, I am at home with both of them fast asleep in their cages, it needs to be done I am afraid so that we can continue to bring in the bacon that keeps them in a manner to which they are accustomed. Today I am leaving a tad later to work as I need to catch a train to Amsterdam for a meeting. Quite a long way for a two hour meeting, but that's they way it goes with pan european business. So long as I can still sleep at home most of the time, it's quite fun to have the variety.

Well time to get to metro to catch that train, way easier than driving into Amsterdam and mucking around with parking. It's a 3 hour ride so better get into it. Ciao ciao ...


Greystone said...

Egomania is a dread disease with no known innoculum for prevention. Humour was once considered to be of use but repeated doses render the egomaniacal one(s) impervious. The only known device to render it somewhat less tedious is rampant alcoholism - definately not recommended.

Fishing in the Marlborough Sounds also used to be considered an antidote - that is until some egotistical bastard and associated bastadesses came farting past fast in their borrowed (from the bank manager) boat and held up 5 bloody big snapper.

So, what does one do? Help assistance required!!

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

What does one do? Lie and back and say "Shit Happens...!"