Sunday, June 15, 2008

Heathrow Terminal 5

I was in Heathrow terminal 5 yesterday and what an outfit that was. Everything was brand new and the shopping was pretty good. I had several hours so once I exhausted the shops, I sat at a seafood bar and had some King Crab and Champagne, not a bad way to spend Saturday lunchtime - except that I was alone, as were others sitting around the same bar. While people watching I noticed one in particular that tickled my fancy. On the opposite side of the bar a young man with bright yellow Blues Brothers sunglasses sat down and never removed the sunglasses, then this popped into my head...

Sunglasses fastened to his face
in yellow, a mellow fellow was he
he drank his coke, alas no smoke
as we're in Terminal 5, a hive
of activity and revelry


Kristina Martin said...

poetry smoetry!! :-) tell me more about the shopping!!!! great to hear you so happy. hugs k

Greystone said...

An entertaining Post! Promise not to tell Sam tje Mum about the bargains that can be got at Terminal 5 'cos it would cost a minimum of NZD2,500 just to get there and back!

Greystone said...

To datteren (two daughters)somewhere in Bruxelles, Espania, Italia, Nederlands, Deutchland, la France or UK?

Where do they get the dosh to play? Maybe its work or a wonderful lurk enjoying the youthful days?

Gaudeamus igitur
(Therefore let us rejoice)
Juvenes dum sumus
(While we are still young)