Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mr Forrest and a Series of Unfortunate Events...

Sorry to say that Forrest is in bad way and his parents are a little worse for wear as well.

Monday last week, Fozzie broke his leg and it has been a hell of a week. Monday night saw Mik driving to Antwerp, while a thunder and lightning storm followed him up the highway, taking Fozzball to a specialist clinic. He had surgery on Tuesday and we were able to bring him home on Wednesday - several tousand Euros poorer.

Both bones in his lewer leg snapped in half and he now has pins and plates holding them together and needs a splint and bandage for at least 6 weeks. So now we have to keep him calm for the whole time - yeah right ... try keeping a Yorkie calm? Especially when his brother is Frodo alias nutcase! So luckily we have sedation but it is still a feat!

Sorry for the sad news - normally i try not to blogg unhappy stuff - but this is pretty big news.


Paula Smithyman said...

Oh no poor Forrest!
How did he break his leg?

Paula Smithyman said...

Oh no poor Forrest!
How did he break his leg?