Friday, August 1, 2008

Finally another post ...

Thought it was about time for a new post. Sorry it has been a bit thin on it lately, but there has been so much going on. So much that I just could not put out on the WWW for various reasons. Supersition being one on them.

Things have been pretty topsy turvey of late, but now I can finally share the latest news as it is all official now. Sue has a new job - woohoo! It has been several months in the making but now it is all happening, contracts are signed, notice is handed to the current employer and we can now all come out in the open about it. But what to say? Suffice to say it is a good career move consulting in my technical field mainly in Oil and Gas - finally moved on from the dark side to work for the evil empire, but it will take me to some interesting places to meet some interesting people.

Promise we'll get back on the bloggy wheel soon.

1 comment:

Paula Smithyman said...

Yay for you!!
Congratulations for the new job and new changes ahead. Good for you.
Love, Paula