Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

Well, today is the day after boxing day and we have had a wonderful couple of days with visitors galore. Who would have believed that we would be sitting in our own home in Belgium, and have both Vennik and Morch family for Christmas day lunch - lunch that went on for hours, actually...

We started with Froie Gras and Sauterne ...
and ended with Pavlova and a wonderful sponge cake that the Bussem Venniks had made to warm our home.

A gezelig day had by all...

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Merry Christmas or as the Danish persons say - "Gladelig Jul." What a wonderful experience to be in your own home Mike and Sue, and have close relatives for the extended repast.

All that was missing were both sets of the 'oldes' and the snow. Picasso is like Isaac, he finds the idea of snow hard to comprehend. "Is it like that stuff you have in the G&T's only a diffeent colour pehaps?" is the closest he has come before going back to sleep behind the fig tree where nobody ever disturbs him.

Happy New Year!