Friday, January 2, 2009

Minus 5

We thought you might like to see what minus 5 looked like.

It certainly is a white new year! We took these pictures yesterday, while the frost was still on the trees, then it warmed up overnight - it was only minus 1.7 during the night and has been hanging around zero today. We decided to get out in the yard to clean up a few things things this morning and it started to snow! So now we have a nice wee white dusting - nothing too serious to screw up the roads.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Looking cool man! How's the heating going? Is it wood, oil or gas powered? Sue, you will be able to take some snow back to Oman and show them what it looks like.

Downunder in Kiwiland we are in the throes of slicing beans for freezing, eating cabbages, lettuces and courgettes. Lots of salads and barbecued lamb for food. We got given a gift from a Feilding friend for Christmas, a complete freshly prpeared lamb. needless to say some Greystoned beverages were given in return. The potatoes are about 2 weeks from digging and the tomatoes are fattening up nicely for ripening in about 2 - 3 weeks. The pumpkins are now running - almost as fast as we can (on a good day).

Enjoy the winter while you can - it will be summer soon!