Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A few days rest in Oman - the story

I thought I better give ayou a bit of a story to go with the pictures.

We had a wonderful couple of days rest in Oman and made sure it was not a wirl wind. Actually the day before Mik arrived the wind whipped up and there was quite a sand storm, but it settled by the afternoon of the first day and we managed to see some rays by the pool. That morning we went for a walk down the beach, and as you can see there was a bit of surf. It reminded me a lot of the North Taranaki coast, except the tide was a lot shorter. It was nice just to wander along the beach with our shoes off and jeans rolled up. We both realised how much we miss the sea. Still it is lovely here in the Flemish country side, but there is something special about the sea for those that grew up by it. A lot like that mountain of ours too ... for those who don't what I mean here he is...

Taranaki from Paul G's Yacht.

The next day we checked out and went for a drive to Muttrah and old Muscat and mananged some bargaining in the market place, which they call the souq. We found the silver and gold souq too, and were aghast at the beautiful jewlery, which I am totally going to have to introduce Ronaye to when we get back again - sorry Glenn...

It was a magic blue day and we were planning to also spend the afternoon by the pool but we got back to the hotel and they had closed the pool area for a special valentines day party, which one had to buy tickets for. So we crashed the Hyatt instead and sat by their pool for the afternoon and enjoyed the spa pool in the evening. The retaraunt by the pool turned into a Japanese restaraunt by night so we enjoyed an awesome meal - there we were, a couple of mad kiwis in the middle east eating sushi and sahimi and drinking New Zealand Sauvingnon Blanc.


Greystone said...

Great to catch up, Oman sounds very interesting but then so does Huldenberg. Great shot of Mt Taranaki - you can almost pick ot the boomerang Sue.

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

yes, I still have nightmares about the boomerang!