Monday, March 30, 2009

Hans Zimmer - Now We Are Free

A lovely spring day in the Flemish country side

Well, after much craziness finally I have had a chance to wind down today - and a beautiful spring day it was. Sorry for Mik who is still suffering a bit from the jetlag, and as I write he is in bed after the day at work - but back to me!.... this morning when we got up it was zero and minus 2 through the valley on the way to drop Mik off at work. The sun warmed it all up really quick and by 10am it was 4 degrees by the time I picked Mik up again it was 11 degrees - woohoo double figures!

But in between all that, I managed to have lunch with a good friend, who is not so happy as she is paying two motgages after buying a new apartment at the same time we bought and not being able to sell the other one due to the whole economic crash - and on top of it all worried about loosing her job. So we consoled each other with .... 'So long as we have our health and the ones we love close to us - then houses, and money and jobs can go by the by - so long as we can have some semblance of a roof over our heads.'

Also lately, thanks to my Scottish collegue, (whom I respect immensely for some things).... I have been enjoying the music of Hans Zimmer lately and managed to finally download a compilation of his works today. Here is a great piece above .....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On Green Day's Whatsername

I have been totally hoooked on Green Day lately, particularly their American Idiot album. Whatsername is one of my favourite and I think I listen to it, at least three times a day if not more.

This video is a bit lame, but it really does not need visuals there is plenty of colour in the music, and clever lyrics too.

"Thought I ran into you down on the street,
Then it turned out to only be a dream,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how whatsername has been...

Seems that she disappeared without a trace,
Did she ever marry old whatshisface,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how whatsername has been...

Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
I must confess!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
From so long ago!
(Go... go... go... go...)
(Go... go... go... go... go...)

And in the darkest night,
If my memory serves me right,
I'll never turn back time!
Forgetting you, but not the time!"

Green Day's Whatsername

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

One week to go...

Well, one week left to go and I get to be with my beloved boys again. Now is about the time I get a bit sick of restaraunt food and just need to comforts of my own space and junk around me. Although I am managing to gather some junk here - books mainly.

I have had some good experiences though this time. It has gotten to the point where I don't have to sit in my room night after night watching movies or reading books. I now have a social life! I can now sit by the pool in the evening and run into someone I know if I want to. Some stay also in the hotel, some I work with who come to drink at the bar and others who just come for the same reason, a chat or a drink or to sit by the pool and read their book or newspaper.

Oh yes and yesterday was an interesting thought. Mubarak, the Egyptian President and Prime Minister arrived in Muscat for a formal two day visit. They closed the roads off for the afternoon so we all got to leave the office early, to make it back to our homes before it got chaotic on the roads. There was major security alert as the guy is considered a terrorist target. Thoughts that go through my head on the way home from work yesterday....

"Hmmmmm, I am drving through a city where there is a major terrorits target arriving is probabaly a good thing that I am not staying at the Grand Hyatt this time as he probabably is. Thank you Radisson for not being flash enough for visiting seems like a good time to soak up some that 32 degrees in the shade by the pool."

So I did.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chris Isaak - Wicked Game (Live)

7 days down

So my warning was not far off, was it? But even still I have been working long hours as the pressure comes on a bit at work.

Mik is off to New Zealand tonight. So he is busy making sure all his i's are dotted and t's crossed. I am 7 days down and 14 to go, but my girlfriend comes back from the field today so we have 5 days together to spend some of our hard earned cash. Last time before I left I discovered a whole new wing of the mall that we never knew existed so I am looking forward to show her that. It is the designer shops....can't understand how come I had not sniffed it out before. Very excited.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Discovered Facebook

Well, now that I have discovered facebook, the blogs might get a bit less sorry. I am having a great time connecting with old friends and catching up on how their lives have changed in the last 20 years.

Sue goes back to work for another 21 days and Mik is off to NZ for a much needed holiday and catch up with family.