Monday, March 30, 2009

A lovely spring day in the Flemish country side

Well, after much craziness finally I have had a chance to wind down today - and a beautiful spring day it was. Sorry for Mik who is still suffering a bit from the jetlag, and as I write he is in bed after the day at work - but back to me!.... this morning when we got up it was zero and minus 2 through the valley on the way to drop Mik off at work. The sun warmed it all up really quick and by 10am it was 4 degrees by the time I picked Mik up again it was 11 degrees - woohoo double figures!

But in between all that, I managed to have lunch with a good friend, who is not so happy as she is paying two motgages after buying a new apartment at the same time we bought and not being able to sell the other one due to the whole economic crash - and on top of it all worried about loosing her job. So we consoled each other with .... 'So long as we have our health and the ones we love close to us - then houses, and money and jobs can go by the by - so long as we can have some semblance of a roof over our heads.'

Also lately, thanks to my Scottish collegue, (whom I respect immensely for some things).... I have been enjoying the music of Hans Zimmer lately and managed to finally download a compilation of his works today. Here is a great piece above .....

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