Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I was just looking back on the entries - it can be therapeutic ... and I see that Mike and Greg bought Halo 3 on September 29th - they both clocked it on October 22 - same day - kinda weird they clocked it on the same day and kinda weird they clocked it in three weeks! That's gotta be therapeutic ...


Greystone said...

Patrick Fitzherbet and Herbet Fitzpatrick (mariners of dis-repute)had the same uncanny happenings.

Anonymous said...

What on earth is Halo 3? Is a bald melee or is it a hairy melee?

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

It's an x-box game and "to clock" is to finish the game!

Anonymous said...

The hairy melee (alias Forrest and Frodo) seemed much more fun.