Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Pink Panther

Well, gotta say...yesterday and today was pretty stressfull. THE PINK PANTHER decided to escape!!! (pronounced, esskarpay). Yesterday we got a phonecall from Aunty Nicky saying Forrest, AKA the pink panther, was on the loose. He had managed to get through the barricades and into the nighbours. Aunty Nicky saved the day, Sue came home and made sure the section was Forrest proof (secure!). THEN, picture this, today 1330 Sue is on the A16 from Rotterdam to Brussels, takes a phone call from Aunty Nicky ... Forrest has escaped again ... the nieghbour (burman) has put him back four times. In drives Sue, 1830, Mike is Forrest proofing the section again ........................ tommorrow will tell..... THE PINK PANTER STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Quelle buggeur! Le doglet avec l'attitude!