Sunday, December 16, 2007

Weekend in the Ardennes

We're back!!!

Wow it has been a wirldwind of a couple of weeks and there hasn't much time left for bloggy things, but now we are back.

We spent last weekend in the Ardennes. It was cold and wonderfull, no snow though. The forecast was for sh*##y and more Sh*##y, so we left the bikes at home. Krisa made a wild boar stew and we arrived on Friday night about 6pm and promptly polished off the stew and a few bottles of vino, followed by a Ngatawara Stables Red, kindly bought by Ronaye, via Glenn (the NZ boyfriend) last time he stayed. Needless to say the next day was somewhat fuzzy and we just hung out, went for a walk in La Roche and then enjoyed another evening in front of the fire, playing games and reading books.

Then on the Monday Sue had to fly to Portugal for work, back on Wednesday and then into a Christmas Party in Friday, and then dinner with the N&N the mad brits on Saturday ... quite frankly - we're bu$$@&d!!!!

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Talk about bu#@&%ed?

There was an oldish man from Gosham
Who took out his teeth to wash 'em
His wife she said, "Jack
If you don't put them back
I'll jump on the buggers and squash 'em!"