Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Funny Friday

Well, sometimes so much happens it's difficult to decide what to write about ... so here goes...

It was a funny Friday yesterday. Not funny as in ha ha, but funny as in weird; odd; bizarre. The previous Friday, all of a sudden 50 other people decided to use my road to go to work! Not the road I take to work, but MY ROAD! Well Steven and My's road. I have another collegue who travels the same way to work. Luckily he had just lent me a double CD of Simon & G, so I was able to enjoy an extra 20minutes of the stuff while crawling through Hoeilaart. So, Steven tells me of another way which I decided to try yesterday .... errrrrngh bad idea Steven. Instead of a 20-30 minute drive it took me 50 minutes and when I got in the lift to go up to the office, who should be there, but - yep Steven ... who got stuck in the same traffic jam! And it's Friday so we turn up when everyone else is merrily enjoying breakfast (Friday ritual 9am communal breakfast).

That was the beginning of my day and after work was even more eventful. I went to what I thought was going to be a farm to pick up some farm fresh beef, yes dead animal. It was kind of odd to see the "beefy" grazing in the field and knowing I was about to eat one of his mates. Not a connection I really wanted to make. If I had to do it myself I can defintely feel a vegatarian life coming on. But even more interesting was it was not a farm, but a castle - or more appropriately Le Chateau. Really interesting fella, who also provides us with fire wood, honey and now prime beef. So today we are cooking up "beefy" of the slow cooking variety and it smells great.


Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

After provider of beefy provided me with a Belgian Politics lesson and we did a bit of research on the internet today, it turns out that the guy is a Count and very politically outspoken about the rediculousness of hereditary titles, including that of the king.

Greystone said...

Vegetarianism certainly saves beefs, chooks and woolies. However have you ever tried tofu and lettuce leaves on the barbie cue? Not the same aroma as comes from the aforesaid species.

My Friday was staining the south side of Greystone's Pebbles with Rustic Oak using an aluminium plank (to stand on) plus trestles and (Yes you guessed it Mike, a paint brush!) No traffic jams and no memories of Napolean or S&G. Just Kereru and Tui and a beer or three to finish.

Regarding hereditary titles. I am quite prepared to become King of Kiwiland - its just that no-one has asked me yet!

Sunflower Sadie (planning the autumn and winter garden plantings)