Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Haircut from Hell

Well the saga of the last few weeks has been because of the haircut. F&F got a haircut the day Sue decided to B off to Amsterdam for the day shopping. It was hightime the boys got a haircut so they got a MV special and now they look like little puppies again.

The only problem was that Frodo decided to move at the last cut and he accidently got sliced. Not thinking it was anything major we left it till Monday and then it started looking decidedly worse so we took him to the vet ... 6 stitches, a course of anitbiotics, 10 days with a conehead and 250 euros (500NZD's - yep still converting) down the gurgler - ouch for both parties! ... Frodo is back on form again. Although he never lost his appetite! OH REALLY???? WHAT A SURPRISE???

The bizarre thing was that we thought he was getting fat but it turned out to be all hair - check out how much hair we cut off one dog!!!


Di Mackey said...

Much as I need a good haircut, I think I might avoid that MV special ;)

Greystone said...

My haircut from hell was courtesy of my big sister Anna and occurred in 1962. I didn't have to go to the Vet though! Just a remedial #1 when I got back to Massey University the next day.

The locks on the floor remind me of other haircuts and shearing sheep when I was a young lad. The time when we used to have to walk 3 miles to school, barefoot in the snow!!! Sadie the Dad