Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Dream on

I've never had a huge amount of respect for long haired bands - but usually when I actually listen to their ballads I have to say I like them. Aerosmith is no different - despite the size of that mush!

Just as Living in the Dream was inspired by The Beatles - I am The Walrus, so my Dream On was inspired by Aerosmiths Dream on - en een kleine bijtje middenleven probleem // and a little bit of a midlife crisis ...

Dream On ...

Every time I look in the mirror
I’m reminded of the saint and the sinner
Telling me just how I am to go
Riding through the ebb and the fast flow

Dream on, dream on, riding through the waves in the mirror
Dream on, dream on, riding through the lines on the sinner

The progression of my life is the coming of my age
Letting the dust settle on the lines of the sage
And I know just where I mean to be
In the space where I am all of me

Dream on, dream on, sliding through and through every age
Dream on, dream on, sliding through the packets of the sage

Now I know that I can not read the prophecy
Even though it’s all about the new me
The mirror shows me just what have to I breathe
Not the humble worn out place I have to leave

Dream on, dream on, writing every word of the prophecy
Dream on, dream on, writing every cell and bone that is me

Dream on, dream on, dream on, dreaming, dreaming, dream on
Dream on, dream on, dream on, dreaming, dreaming, dream on


Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Actually I am not allowed to officially have a midlife crisis for another two years...

Greystone said...

Mid-life crises take time and effort! More often than not the effort shows up as the 'fitness' craze and that takes time. Flogging the body is a damn good sign in the over 30's that a bit more effort and a bit more time on the rack will stave off the incipient signs of aging. It doesn't.

Be busy (mentally and physically) in one's life, building and improving relationships; helping those less fortunate, simply doesn't leave time to have a mid-life crisis.

For the mathematically inclined a mid-life crisis is the mid-point (in years) of one's life. So how long will you live? You don't know? So what's the point of calculating?

Stay in close touch with the young ones, just as those who are (and were) precious to you, did for you.