Sunday, March 2, 2008

Time keeps on ticking ...

Forrest likes to sit in the sun and watch for intruders, but I am sure he is looking at his own reflection in the glass. This is the clock that tells the right time twice a day.


Greystone said...

We have a clock just like this - it is right twice a day too!

This one however is a family special. It was presented to Svend CV Morch when he left the New Zealand Railways in 1945. he was employed as an engineer building locomotives and carriages.

It is a Wurtemburger clock made in that city in Germany in 1905 the year of Svend's birth.

Sally and I took it into Pendulum Clocks in Wellington in February 2008. It is presently being rebuilt so that it can be right every minute of the day and night.

My Dad Svend would set it every Sunday at 9pm to coincide with Big Ben chiming over the BBC radio news.

Your clock picture reminded me. When Svend's clock is reinstalled we will place a picture on the blog so that Frodo and Forrest can see it as well as their reflections.

Cheers Evan SE the Dad

Anonymous said...

What a poser. Who taught him that?!