Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Off to New Zealand Today

Yip - off on the big bird again today. This time me and my sister are going home for our Mum's birthday. A previously well kept secret, but now the cat is out of the bag. We are seriously going for a long weekend. We arrive on Friday and leave the following Tuesday, but it will be worth it. Looking forward to seeing the whole famdamly again - Only two son in laws that have to keep the home fires burning back in Brussels.

The baggage handlers at Zaventem were on strike yesterday, so to avoid catastrophy arriving in NZ for four days with no luggage - we decided to book the train to London. So we are leaving a little earlier than originally planned. From when we leave Brussels on the train we will arrive in Wellington 34 hours later.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

And the two ladies have arrived safe and sound. Wonderful to see and cuddle them - thanks for the loan MIke and Greg. wonderful evening at the White Swan. Big party tomorrow - not a long stay but very valuable for Mum and Dad