Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 7 in Oman

Back again - had a good day today. I was very proud of myself, as I did 30 lengths of the pool today. Never been much of a swimmer before so I thought I would start with 10 lengths the first day and increase it by 2 each day. Well within 3 days I managed to do 20 lengths. Then I decided to see what I could do in 30 minutes today and got 30!

So swimming has become part of my daily routine, as it passes the time and the water is nice and warm and relaxing. So the routine is pretty much rise at 6.30, picked up at 7.15, learn another Arabic word on the way to work, tell the driver something about NZ or Belgium, work, Scottish collegue tells me a joke or two, get picked up at 4.30, back to Hotel (possibly after a spot of food shopping on the way back), swim for 30 minutes, shower, guitar for 30 minutes, have dinner, ring Mike - talk for ages, watch a movie, ring Mike again - talk for ages, fall asleep if I can, if not watch late night TV, possibly call Mike again - talk for ages - fall asleep, and then it happens all over again - so I do this once?? - nooooooo - 21 f'n times! Then I get to go home.

Joke of the day - Scottish collegue (think thick Edinburgh accent)- says "Me oonkul eemmigraetid tooo Ostraelia und when heee arraeved at thee airaporit was usked uf hee hud ay creeminul recorid, tooo whuch hee replied "ee thought thut was nooo longer ay requirement!"."

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