Sunday, September 28, 2008

The newly possesed house.

So we promised some photos of the new house and here they are...

We finally took possesion of the place last week, and I am only just a weeny bit jealous that I can't get to see it up close and personal yet for another week.

A lovely autumn day by the looks in Belgium too... we thinks some of those trees will have to go, so Mike has been measuring the circumference. Whether we need to get permission to cut them down or not is based on the size of the circumference of the tree at 1m high. Oh you got to love those beauracrates - we will likely need to pay for the privalige of them giving us their permission.


Harvey family said...

What a gorgeous, beautiful new home! How exciting to move all your things into it soon!
Love us

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Thanks for being excited for us, Jo. You and your boys will need to come and visit soon!