Friday, December 19, 2008

Going home tomorrow

Yay, it has been a very long two weeks! The day I arrived, two of my collegues were coughing and spluttering and sure enough two days later I came down with the lurgi - and I have actually been quite sick since. But now seeing as one is working for one's self there is no sick leave anymore... So I struggled on and finally tomorrow I get to go home and relax for a bit.

I also bought myself a new toy yesterday - a laptop - so that I could download skype and be able to do video conferencing with my beloved's while I am away. But I knew that the Omani government has blocked skype - I thought I would try a work around somehow - lucky one has an IT versed husband. We'll see what we can do when I get home.

I also got to have a cultural experience. An Indian collegue of mine invited me and another collegue to his house for dinner. He has been promising us a genuine Indian meal and now that his wife has arrived from Delhi we were invited to sample some Indian cuisine. It was an interesting night. We drank red wine from Chile, in the company of a Kiwi, Scott and Englishman from Yorkshire, in the home of the hosts from India sampling Indian fine food. It was wonderful, and mighty spicy, even though they promised us they had made it mild especially for us.

Get back home on Sunday morning - just in time for Christmas. Have a month at home this time - thanks to Christmas time and some f=good negotation skills. Looking forward to hosting in our new home this year - Santa better bloody come this year otherwise I am going to be mighty miffed! He never did the last couple of years, and I am sure it was becuase he was a bit confused with the move - not at all to do with the fact that we might not have been good... Perhaps ...


Greystone said...

Hi Scooby Doo and Michael too! Merry Christmas to Forrest and Frodo too from Picasso the olde, big fat cat, resident at Greystone. Hope our little parcel has arrived in time for Christmas. It will be wonderful to be celebrating a Christmas in your own home. Our best wishes and love to you all in Huldenberg from Evan and Sally also living with Picasso the cat and doing what we are told.

Remonds me of the bell-ringers son who was told off!

Harvey family said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been well, but like you say "one must do what you can when you work for yourself now". How is the work going, still interesting and good I hope? Bet you are looking forward to some well earned time at home and in the company of family and friends! Our parcel is at present in customs in Belgium so hopefully it won't take too long to get to you (via Kris and Greg). Enjoy xmas we day and I'll plan to call our xmas night - does that suit? Love from us kiwis xoxox

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Jo - yip your evening our morning works fine, we will all be at our place.