Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Sometimes you just need a little inspiration. Instead of, like markJ, who when uninspired blogs youtube music videos, as I often do, I decided this time to take some inspiration from the opening line of someone eles's blogg and ran with it.

And like all pairs of sisters, of mine
We understand the secrets together
We know the moments we have left behind
Keep us allied beyond forever

Because, we know, like all pairs of sisters
It does not matter if we share the same blood
Nor the same gender, as some would insist
It’s the unity we know that creates our own love


Greystone said...

One of the truly great gifts children (as grown-ups) can give their parents is the continuing affection, caring, sharing and understandings that they give to one-another. You four and the spices (a much better word than spouses) are excellent examples of this gift.

Evan and Sally

Harvey family said...

Hey guys - haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is going well. Are you due back in time for xmas Sue?

Carlos said...

5,558 blogs doth not a blogger make....Totally interested in what you've been doing, probably working too hard aye...xxx
btw i know you meant to put something about baby brothers in there so don't stress

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Have too been working too hard. Tonight I have some time to myself and the internet traffic is crazy...

Pay attention, Carlos to the line about not having to be the same gender - t'was reference to my darling little brother.

Carlos said...

Stand corrected...xxx