Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello again

Well, it seems like everyone is back into it, except me and Jo. But we could excuse Jo, as she is probably on summer holidays.

It's been a bloggy while, due to the fact that I couldn't possibly blog about the weather one more time, plus I have been working, and it seemed that it had been a relatively uneventful 10 days in our household. Buying a house seems to have put paid to all those fancy weekends away - but it is great having our own house again, even if it means digging up and unblocking drains in the cold rain on the weekends. We finally got the laundry out of the kitchen and into the garage, which is brillirant, so we can at least put in a dishwasher and then soon a brand new kitchen. Yay - priority number one next rotation out, to finalise ordering the new kitchen.

We did find a good source of latest movies too, to while away for hours while in Oman. Yip, back again to the Omani land on Thursday. Mike is coming to meet up with me at the end of this rotation in, so we can have some semblance of a summer holiday like those in the southern hemisphere. Long way to come for a long weekend, but it will be worth it. I have added a few extra days at the end with no work so we can do some touristy things and simply grab as much sun as we possibly can.

It was a great time at home this time. Sorry no photos of New Years Celebrations as it was pretty quiet here.


Greystone said...

Hope the thaw wasn't too slushy. Mike I am sure you will enjoy getting out of the cold to Oman when you go. We are sure you and Sue are enjoying your new home and doing all those things that turn it into your home.

We got a new reverse cycle heater/cooler put into our library today (Panasonic 5.4kW heating and 4.8 kW cooling) and it works well and looks good too. Our intention is to use it to boost during the winter - olde scrooge opens all the windows and doors in the summer to keep the upstairs somewhat cool.

Kris and Greg only have 7 sleeps to go before they take off for Oz and Kiwiland. We are looking forward to their visit.

Harvey family said...

Hey guys hope things are going well and not too cool over there for you Mike - Sue on the otherhand you are probably sweltering like us, although not noticing it now you are acclimatising. We are all well and plan on skyping with you when you get back to home Sue. What date are you due back? Send details through email will be better. Love and hugs from all of us xoxox
PS - We can't wait to see Kris and Greg and spend some time with both of them.