Friday, February 20, 2009

A poetry day

I am having a real poetry day today. Mik bought me the complete works of John Keats for a birthday one year and he reminded me last night that I have never read it - but that is not quite true I have picked it up a couple of times and it not the sort of thing one reads from cover to cover, and quite honestly I find it quite hard work as the language is so old, one really has to study it rather than simply read it. So today I decided to make some time for poetry and inspired by Keats and some French friends of mine with a lust for life and each other I found this one...

Celine & Lorenzo dance on a Saturday night

Dancing twirling laughing nymphs
Lunging at life from up high on a plinth
Telling the world that they better take care
For Lorenzo and Celine are making it here
To take it all for what it is worth
And make revelry dance and be wild in the mirth
For life is for love and the world is the stage
And we make it all now for tomorrow we age

Mik, Celine and Laurent - aka Lorenzo dancing on a Saturday night.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

An interesting and worthwhile offering.

I have a pottery wall hanger in the stairwell that one can see and read as one descends for breakfast or whatever. It was given to me by my Uncle Evan. It is a quote/homily from Piet Hein of Danske philosphical renown.

"Love while you have love to give
Live while you have life to live."

Piet Hein

It doesn't mention age since love and life are not the sole rewards for the young.

Evan the Dad

PS. There is now an Evan Morch with a facebook. It is not me but my nephew. Perhaps we need to identify the 3 living and loving Evan Morch's. Perhaps I am Evan Morch II? Or maybe Evan Svend (65) to go with Evan Frank (85) and Evan Carl (23).