Thursday, February 5, 2009

A trip to the field - Mukhaizna

Back again. Well another two weeks have gone by and it has a bit of a whirlwind this time.

I got ot the field this week for the first time and it was a different world. The field is massive - there is two and the whole complex is about 30 km by 10 km. I did take some photos, on a collegue's camera - I do not have them yet, but here are a few google images for your interest.

Living quarters

Beam Pump

Somewhere in the field
It was as flat and brown as the eye could see. It looked to me like the blue sky on the horizon was the sea but the further you drove the sea never appeared. The temperature range was large. About 5 degrees in the morning to the mid to late 30's during the day. That's winter - in summer the days are in the mid to late 40's.
You can read little bit more about the project if you click here.

On another subject - I have been quiet of late as I am in a different hotel this time and the "high Speed internet" is totally ridiculous. Thank god for all the movies I downloaded onto my laptop when I was at home, as I simply can not download anything with the speeds they have here. I can not even listen to a continous sample of music on i-tunes, and it takes about 10 minutes to download one song. At home we are getting a whole album in that time. So as you can tell I have been a little frustrated on the entertainment front. On advise from one's ITlearned husband, I did a speedtest and found I was getting just over 200 kb/s - dial up is faster than that!!!!

Anyway, 14 days down, 7 to go until my beloved comes and we can spend some time in the sun.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Hi Sue

What an experience out in the field - slightly different to Taranaki! It will be great to share some of your experiences with Mike - very soon now.

Greystone is hosting the Martins - lovely to hear all the news and goss. We look forward to our next Skype contact. Cheers Mum and Dad