Wednesday, March 11, 2009

7 days down

So my warning was not far off, was it? But even still I have been working long hours as the pressure comes on a bit at work.

Mik is off to New Zealand tonight. So he is busy making sure all his i's are dotted and t's crossed. I am 7 days down and 14 to go, but my girlfriend comes back from the field today so we have 5 days together to spend some of our hard earned cash. Last time before I left I discovered a whole new wing of the mall that we never knew existed so I am looking forward to show her that. It is the designer shops....can't understand how come I had not sniffed it out before. Very excited.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

You missed the designer shops? Suzy you are slipping! It must be advancing age.

Looking forward to collecting mIke and making him welcome and looking after him where we can.

Herbie the beamer got cleaned, polished, vacuumed and he now sparkles - says he can't wait for a young good looking man to drive him!

Arohanui from Greystone