Monday, October 15, 2007


Here she is, finally we got around to taking a photo of the new auto. She arrived last Thursday and it took us ages to get to the airport to take back the rental. We didn't end up eating till 9pm that night.
Mike figured out the voice control today, very groovy!
Sue took her to Avenue Louise shopping on Saturday (a very hip place to shop with all the Italian designer shops!). All week it had been foggy so she forgot the sunnys, then the sun came out and, picture this driving (well crawling really) down Avenue Louise with no sun glasses ... VERY UNCOOL! She went with a new collegue and friend from Canada (Ronaye), ended up having to drive around the whole inner ring of Brussels ... well, just showing Ronaye around!!!!


Greystone said...

No sunglasses in L'Avenue Louisse? Sacre Bleu and Bugger the All Blacks! The older persons resident in Greystone are 'Green With Envy' (GWE). All we get to do is swan around Mrs Martin's Borough seeking quaff mixture in a slightly aged (but very well kept and looked after BMW Roadster) kndly on loan from the plutocrats in Brussels. C'est la vie.

Greystone said...

No sunglasses in L'Avenue Louisse? Sacre Bleu and Bugger the All Blacks! The older persons resident in Greystone are 'Green With Envy' (GWE). All we get to do is swan around Mrs Martin's Borough seeking quaff mixture in a slightly aged (but very well kept and looked after BMW Roadster) kndly on loan from the plutocrats in Brussels. C'est la vie.