Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Poetry Day

Haven't been much in the mood for blogging of late, as you can see the time I have spent in front of the 'puter has been for some research into other peoples poetry. Hone Tuwhare died last week. He was the first Maori poet to be published in English and I realised, even though I knew of him I had never really read or studied much of his work. So I went on a quest to do so. In doing so I also found these two poems I blogged below.

I wanted to share People Who Live by the Sea because I loved the way Erica paralelled the circle of human life with that of the sea, and Dergamo's piece becuase I idenitified with the final stanza of his Zen Moment. Both these themes I have written about many times myself - another reason I quite liked them. Also, neither were filled with or even slipped in any cliches - something that makes me cringe! When they rear their ugly head in my own works - they get the short sharp boot up the j@$ksee and the thesaures gets a look in.

Anyway I am home today, becuase the little Frodster needs his mum 'cause he had to have surgery yesterday and is a little worse for wear.

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