Monday, January 14, 2008

Scary News

Our digital TV got disturbed a month or two ago when the neighbours had a problem; yes the neighbours that left in mid December! Supposedly the "Digital-TV-People" came to fix the problem and they totally b*%%erd up our own TV feed ... So to cut a long story short the BBC have been playing the National Dart Championships for the last two weeks ... OK ... tonight we turn on the Teeve and there is the Snooker Champs - like next I think they are planning Grass Growing Competitions - Mik says "OR Paint Drying Competitions" - Geeze that 'll be it! THANK GOD FOR YOUTUBE!!!

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Could be worse my dears! Really? Yes really! It could be the Kiwi cricketers playing Bangladesh (didn't go to 5 days) or the Aussie cricketers kissing and making up for their sledging to the Indians in the 2nd Test at Sydney.

Or worse still try explaining cricket to a Danish uncle!!!! Evan the Dad