Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Zen Moment by Degarmo

I found this poem on www.allpoetry.com click on http://allpoetry.com/poem/3820181 for the original version. Sorry Degarmo I tutued with the structure somewhat but all the words are yours.

Zen Moment by Degarmo

I think it was Monday morning
and the rain poured a mint shandy
that tasted like organic espresso
fusing with the air
(what began breathing too.)

you were sitting naturally on the air
curling your tongue around my words
(it was one of those zen moments)
because as my words dripped
from your tongue I caught them in my palm

and i felt like i was Buddha
and i felt vowels sieve through my fingers
like drunk loveless mosquito's

I think after I felt nothing
and nothing
and nothing but that.

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