Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 2 in Oman

So here I am 2 days in Oman. Sure I did not write anything after one day as I was in this exhausted state of “oh Christ…what am I doing? Surely the only thing I want to do right now is to be lying on the couch listening to my love serenade me on the guitar with doglets cuddling me “ … or knuffling – the Dutch version of the word, which I like better – more onematapaeic – if there is such a word as onematapaeic – well there is now as I just made it up!

What can I say about Oman? It is always warm that is for sure. Lucky for me not too warm at this time of the year. It is only 32 degrees in the morning when I go to work. In summer time it is more like 45 – 50 degrees. Surely one’s blood would boil at the temperature? I can not imagine it yet. I have arrived in the Holy Month of Ramadan – so it an interesting cultural experience for me. We can not eat or drink or smoke in public during daylight hours and there is no drop of alcohol existing anywhere – not even in the mini bar as they have cleared them out for the month. Good way to dry out and loose some kilos perhaps? I am told it is followed by a week of going crazy – apparently the Omani’s are party people, just not for one month of the year.

Everyone in the office is very friendly – heaps of xpats so they know what you are going through, plus the project is relatively quite young, so loads of people have not been here very long.. They remember still what it was like on their first day. Those I have met so far only joined weeks ago, months ago or on the same day. So we understand what each other is dealing with.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Well done Scoobey Doo! And of course Michael too! We trust the three weeks goes quickly for you both so the "knuffling" can be resumed.

Cheers from Greystone in the Spring!