Friday, September 26, 2008

Just clocked day 11

I realised that there had been too many videos on lately. Well 4 of them were from one night of enjoying War of the Worlds on youtube. Thank god for youtube, and thank god I finally got my new laptop. It is so much easier being away from my three boys, when I have youtube, my new 32 gig ipod, a swimming pool, over 30 degrees and sun everyday, and some great middle eastern food!

I just got over hump day so it is all down hill from here. 10 more days to go and I am back on the big bird bound for my new house and lots of kisses with my three men at home. Big huge thanks goes to my love from me for sorting out the house buying thing, in a foreign country, I might add, but I must say I am a little jealous and can not wait to get in my new front door. I am day dreaming about it already. He says the previous owner left a nice bottle of champagne in the fridge - wat een schatje! - What a sweetie, even that she also left the fridge was pretty cool.

Speaking of fridges I got invited to a party last night, so I went. Unusual in Ramadan, but the inviters and invitees were not Muslim, so it was a well kept secret party. The guy that had the party had a bar set up in his front foyer, most excellent! He had all the bar paraphenalia, and a fridge with a glass front and I thought I would like one of those! So it was like the united nations partying in an english pub. It was a hoot and I got to socialise with my new work collegues, who are a bunch of really excellent people. I feel more welcome here in 10 days than I ever did in three years at my previous job. Even my driver, Nasser, gave me a present the other day... I will never forget this...

I mean to go out sometime and take some photos, so I can blog them for you. My lovey has promised some photos of the house on the weekend so hopefully we can blog some of them. Maybe I will ask Nasser to stop on the way back tomorrow so I can get some fotes. Saturday tommorrow and everyone is back at work, full on, as their weekend is Thurs/Fri here.

Oh well here is one fote that I stole of Greystoned. All looking super georgeous, might have something to do with the happiness shining through...


Gary's third pottery blog said...

hey, so pleased to meet you! Thanks for stopping in at my new blog---my old one filled up and maxed out the storage earlier in the week, blah blah blah, but you know I love Flight of the Conchords and wonderful people from down under! So I shall favorite you and come

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

kThanks gr, finally google is responding again for me (Oman is a concern IT wise) - but very groove in other aspects , nice to "meet you too"

Harvey family said...

Love to read all your notes and hear your thoughts - just like chatting on the phone. Amazing how once you meet some great people the time will fly by, and maybe even one day you'll look forward to the trips back.
Love and hugs, and check us out too! Love the family photo too!!! Must get that one for our blog.

Di Mackey said...

Hey, it all sounds fabulous and congrats on the new house :)