Friday, November 7, 2008

A slice of Dubai

Back in Muscat today. For those of you whom I did not tell I was going to Dubai, I was there for work. Lot's of work and a little sightseeing, but there is so much to see, so I am sure I will have to go back again - definitely with my beloved one, when I have some time to see some more sights. I really only had one afternoon, so I did the bus tour round the city. It was worthwhile when you have little time, but it made me realise that there is so much to see and do. I made it to the the Palm Island Jumeira, which you can get a pretty good view of here...

Or if you in the real estate market you can click on this... that was seriously impressive.

What seriously impressed me was the lobby of the Grand Hyatt Muscat, when I first walked in. They do not do things by halves in the Arab world - that is for sure.


Kristina Martin said...

Great to see this through you eyes honey. Had mikey over for dinner tonight and he helped us put up the shelf. Doglets came too. thanks for sharing him with us. xx k&g

Harvey family said...

We love Dubai a lot as you could probably guess from our many discussions! But boy, has it changed!! In such a short time too - considering how long it takes for roads to be built here, they have made these islands, and the ones depicting the world in just 5 years! Although they aren't short on sand, I wonder if they bring it in from another country? Do you know?
Love and hugs and hope to speak next time you are back in Belgie.
Love us xoxox

Greystone said...

Hi Scoobey Doo and Michael too! Its certainly a big world outside little old Kiwiland. Change of governmment here with Nats, ACT and United Future to form the government. Looking forward to seeing your new home in Huldenburg! We are thinking seriously and provided God is willing will travel over to Belgium for the 30th July 2010 for the big 40! Isaac is 11 today! Where does the time goes to as it fugits?

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Hey, Jo - according to the tour bus recording they dredged it out of the Arabian Gulf.