Monday, November 24, 2008


Well we got the snow that they predicted this weekend. The photos here show a nice light dusting on Saturday and then on Sunday we got several inches as it snowed most of the afternoon and evening. We had some friends for lunch and spent a nice warm afternoon inside watching it snow outside, by 3ish they decided to leave as the snow started to settle on the car, for fears of not getting home.

It has warmed up over night - to about 3 degrees so most of the snow melted overnight. Nice to have the prettiness on the weekend but no hassle for Mik to have to hit the road to work this morning.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Great pictures Mike. We are looking forward to seeing your home in the flesh so to speak.

It must be great to be back in your own home after a number of years - always something to do though. Jack and Olive used to say to us that; "When you own a home you hand is always in your pocket."