Monday, November 24, 2008

Sue's Home

Back again from another tour in Oman. It has gotten a lot cooler there now. When I left the office round 6pm on my last day, the sun had gone down and it was noticeably cooler, funny how 25 degrees all of a sudden feels cool.

But then I got back to Brussel the next morning and it was about 8 degrees - brrrr - now that is cold! Luckily my beloved brought me a jacket, as I decided to leave it in the car when I left - to avoid havng to haul it to Oman and back again. But I like the cold, especially when you ahve a nice warm house or boots and a nice warm jacket. I have had a really nice week just pottering around and cooking and cleaning until my heart is content - now I need to get back into some work again.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Yes, the cold can be the best time of the year particularly if it stays below zero and is sunny. easy to sleep and great to get into warm, comfortable clothing - often times it hides the sags (some of us have earned).

Picasso read about the snow with interest. It took his attention of his food and sleeping for 2 micro (or wa it nano) seconds. he mumbled something about needing a new fur coat if he ever got to Huldenberg.