Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Here we are now in 2008 then - actually this was the first time in about 5 years that I managed to see in the new year. Normally I can't stay up late enough unless there is several glasses of wine involved and this time there was...needless to say not feeling the bestest today though. Well at least it does not happen too often these days ...

Anyway ... 2008 is here gosh, not long now till the momentous occassion. In March this year Mike and I celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss - crickey where did that last 15 years go? We have decided to celebrate it by doing something unusual - not like us????? About the same time our jongens (F&F) will turn 2 years old, our first borns (Cleo & Picasso kindly adopted by kitty retirement home in Greytown, NZ) will turn 15! & Beauzy (still miss ya puppy) living in Puppy Heaven in Bell Block, NZ, will turn the big one oh! Me 30 something, Mik 40 something.

Bacon and eggs are ready... we spent last night with K&G in Brussels, even though they cancelled the official fire works (due to terroist threat!!!), we saw tonns of unofficial ones - twas kinda fun, though both boys didn't make it to midnight, on account of sickness - poor boys!


Paula Smithyman said...

Happy New Year to you guys too.
I heard on the radio about the terrorist threat in Belgium - better to be safe I suppose.
AND CONGRATULATIONS on 15yrs coming up. Hard to believe Beau is 10.
It's a peaceful Sunday morning here in Brisbane with a boiling hot day expected - time to get in the garden before we get scorched!
Love, Paula

Paul Hutchinson said...

Hi guys and happy new year to you! Good to hear all your news thanks and welcome tothe world of blogging! 30 40 somethings..? You're mere spring chickens! I turned fifty the other day!!! Today we're having a guitar soc gathering at Paul G's before going to the park to see Frank and his Steamboat orchestra. The weather is warm here now.Cheers! Paul H

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Thanks Paul and Paula for your comments. It is great having friends like you guys, it is just a pity that you are so far away.