Saturday, January 26, 2008

Series Of Concentric Circles Emanating From Glowing Red Dot


Di Mackey said...

Hey there, I didn't realise you guys were blogging! I have the Edmonds book but I'm looking for a pav recipe that uses 8 Tblsps of hot water - bizarre but a great pav.

Will have to let you know about the next party - had a disorganised guest list this time but would love to catch up one day soon :)

Hope alles goed over there.

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Hey Di ... yes we discovered some time last year and thoroughly enjoy it...thanks to some inspiration from yourself.

Didn't mean nothing by not keeping in contact. Mik got a job and the months now just fly by.

Di Mackey said...

No worries, I knew your sister was nearby and I heard about Mike's job on the kiwi grapevine ;)