Friday, January 11, 2008

Sir Ed Dies

He was a Kiwi Hero and lives on on our 5$ note. I surprised myself when I had a pang of loss when I heard that Sir Ed passed away. I had never met the man, but it felt like he was someone I knew. I've gotta say he really did have a long innings. For me the man should be a saint - for all the selfless giving he did.


Greystone said...

His life and his many selfless achievements are a cause for great celebration and emulation. I had the privilege of meeting him and remember it well.

There once was a man called Sir Ed
Whose fame never went to his head
When asked why he did it
His answer was candid
"Its to give, not to take, he said."

Anonymous said...

Greg was Sir Ed and Lady Hillary's vet in Greenlane... so we had many occasions to interact with a lovely and gracious couple. Sir Ed will always be one of my personal heroes. His biography - a view from the top - is an inspirational read. Sure he was the first to the top of the world however his true character was expressed through his down to earth nature and by his generosity of spirit... the time and energy he gave to the people of Nepal. He is one of my 3 top personal heroes (others are David Lange - former PM and Sonia Davies - trade union activist and peace activist). x Kris