Sunday, January 6, 2008

The year is in full swing ...

So the year has begun and we made it through 3 days of work. Phew!!! We were so knaffed that we just took it easy yesterday. Mike played xbox all afternoon but I couldn't even look at a screen so had a snooze on the beanbag in front of the fire. It was a really gloomy cold and wet day so it was just the ticket and we went to bed at 9.30 pm after a very yummy left over curry from New Years Eve, kindly cooked and donated by Greg.

Today though we woke up to brilliant sunshine and 3 degrees. Although we still needed a sleep-in till 10am. Wow! We just went for an hour and halfs walk though, as the doglets were a little stir crazy. They also lay in front of the fire yesterday so were in need of a good walk. It was a bit much for Mike though as he has now gone back to bed. He never really got well from last week and he now has a chest infection and is not feeling the best.

Maybe one of the reasons we were so tired and that Mike is still not well is because we went out on Friday night and did not get home till 1am. That is not really like us but we went out on the spur of the moment with some new friends. (YES!!! we have friends!!!) These guys are from Southern France and have just moved to Leuven. We had a lovely time and went to an African restaraunt in Leuven for dinner.


Greystone said...

Wait till you are 64! What will you do then? Lying on bean bags in front of fire - what next. Get well soon Mike summer is on the way. We have lost 2 minutes of sunlight already!

Greystone said...

That wagon seems to have got lost pretty quickly what!!