Monday, November 10, 2008

It's pretty grand here at The Grand Hyatt...

Had an interesting couple of days. For the last couple of days I had to go through security to get into the hotel, as apparently the Prime Minister of India is staying here also for a few days. Haven't got an invite to the ball though - they are obviously not aware that I am in country, other wise I am sure I would have recieved an invitation. No staying here in December though as the Sultan has booked it, and two other hotels up for a GCC Conference. So it is back to the Radisson. But the good news is I found a really good restaraunt that is walking distance from the Radisson - it is Turkish and I went there tonight with a bunch a peole from work. Beautiful food and cheap! It only cost about 5 Rials = 10 Euros for starters and a main. I had grilled Hamour fish - it was the whole fish and it was yummy.

7 more sleeps and I get to knuffle my three boys again...


Harvey family said...

Isn't amazing how fast time is going?!!! You'll be home sooner than you know, and by then Steve will be back home too!
Enjoy the reunion!
Love us xoxox

Greystone said...

Hi Sue

Knuffle, fluffle somds like fun!
Thanks for the call tonight - it was lovely to sit in the sun in the garden and talk with you half a wor;d away.

Enjoy your new homw and Belgium in the autumn!

Armistice Day yesterday reminded us of Belgium for all the wrong or are they right reasons?

Kristina Martin said...

hey scooby... countdown is probably over for you now and you are safe home.... hugs xxk