Sunday, September 23, 2007

...and a lazy Sunday

We did have a lazy day, but we did manage to start another wine today. A collegue of Mike's, Joost, has all these grapes that he did not know what to do with. He was sure they were for making wine, but not sure what variety they are. They are very small, the size of blueberrys. They are blue black, with tight bunches. In fact that the resulting liquid is very purple. We are sure it will make a great wine. will let you know how it goes... Here is a foto of Frodo helping - NOT!

Frodo and Forrest had great delight in chasing and eating the little frozen berries that escaped.

Well we thought we had had a lazy day, but looking back Mike did managed to mow the lawns as well, flu and all. I told him I had done it before (once I think when I was about 18 years old!), but I was sure I could figure it out agian. He soldiered on anyway and the lawns are ready for another two weeks. Hopefully it will slow down soon...

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